The POWER of Video

As a tool for SEO and for boosting your brand power and reach, a well-strategized video that tells your story, and even inspires, is a firm way to succeed. Video has become more and more popular over the years as a means to communicate quickly and in a non-laborious fashion. That said, the written word is still enormously important for SEO indexing and to appeal to those who enjoy reading. So, a potent combination of both strong visuals (video, photos) and writing makes for the best play in getting in qualified customers.

When I take on a new video project the first thing I focus on is what story are we trying to tell? If the goal is to showcase a new piece of machinery a company has aquired, then the accompanying video must not only identify the machinery in a powerful way, it must communicate to the company’s customers exactly why they should care about the new machine. What does the new machine offer to potential clients? Why should they be excited about this new advent? And beyond that, can customers be inspired and even entertained by you? So many emotions come into play when watching a well-done video and if you can get those emotions, particularly the positive ones, occuring when someone is on your website, they’ll remember you, appreciate you, and in many cases buy from you.

See the video example below, which I did for a venture capital firm. The goal here was to celebrate what it is to be an inventor. Appealing directly to innovators, people with new ideas, this video was responsible for bringing through the door a number of successful new applicants seeking to be part of the fund. The video, they said, “made me feel like you get what we do.” Check it out:

The power of video as an SEO and brand enhancement tool cannot be underestimated. Shooting on an iPhone makes producing the raw footage SO MUCH EASIER these days. Image Courtesy: Min An, Pexel

So what did you think? Did it make you appreciate further those that invent? Are you can inventor yourself? For me this video, even when I watch it again, hits me in the heart and the mind. I feel inspired. The goal was met.

One of the influencers I follow is Niel Patel, a blogging genius. Read more here from Niel on the power of video for your site. Rife with stats and proof-of-use, I’ll let Niel illustrate further the power of moving pictures and what it can mean to bolster your visitation, staying power, and overall effectiveness with regard to SEO and attracting qualified customers.

Dig what you’re reading? We’d love to help your company stand out via regular content postings on your own blog, Instagram, YouTube, or otherwise. Engage us for a free discovery conversation here.

Dan Meyers